The Dynamism of Wealth




According to Pareto?s principle, 80% of the wealth of nations is in hands of 20% of the population, and 20% of the wealth of nations is shared by the rest 80% of the population. In developing nations, the statistics could be much different, so much that 5% of the population could own 95% of the wealth, while the rest 95% share the remaining 5% wealth.
However, wealth is fluid and dynamic; it flows from those who don?t know how to create it to those who know how to create it. It is even ironic to discover that it is the poor that make the rich become rich. The poor enrich the rich as tenants, as consumers, with savings (which the rich take as loans), etc. Having moved from extreme poverty into wealth, this book reveals basic principles of how to move from one level of wealth to the other.
Recently, I had the privilege of speaking to the international meeting of my ethnic nationality as their annual guest speaker. Seated on the head table with me was the son of my father?s former employer as a security man; I had become far richer than him by now. I refused to accept the economic level of my father as a sentence; rather, I saw it as a challenge.
The aim of this book is to arm you with the same principles I and my family have applied to bridge the economic gap and to cross it. Principles are universal, not subjective to race, religion, social class, etc., and they work everywhere if applied rightly.


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