Money Is An Idiot!


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Money Is An Idiot! is the outcome of a series of financial empowerment seminars I ran for the Assemblies of God Churches in Nigeria. The printed version was selling a thousand copies monthly at one point.

Money has no religion, it is colour-blind, and does not respect looks, age, sex, or educational background. Anyone who understands the basic principles of wealth creation will continue to make money. Money has no right to say no to wealth creating magnetic force.

The church needs to teach these principles of entrepreneurial wisdom in this book. I have proven these principles to be true even in a semi-urban town in Nigeria. As an African clergyman, I’m disturbed by the deliberate obscurantism displayed by my fellow pastors.

Elisha asked the widow in 2 Kings 4:1-7(AMP), “What can I do for you? What have you of sale value in the house?” When she told him of the oil she had, he told her, “Shut your door against yourself, borrow vessels from your neighbours.” Next he told her go sell the oil, pay her debts, and live on the rest. These statements are pregnant with divine economic wisdom. If you can take delivery of them, you will control money.

Money is in people?s pockets, wallets, and bags waiting to be spent.

Once you know the secrets in this book, it can’t resist you.


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